
SE Atlanta News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

229 registered sex offenders live in Butts County as of week ending Feb. 25

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There were 229 registered sex offenders living in Butts County as of the week ending Feb. 25, according to the Georgia Sex Offenders Registry.

The Registry shows 16 of these sex offenders are sexual predators. In Georgia, a sexual predator is an individual who is determined by the Sexual Offender Registration Review Board to be at risk of perpetrating any future dangerous sexual offense.

The Registry also shows 168 of these sex offenders are currently incarcerated.

Sex offenders in Georgia remain on the Sexual Offender Registry for life unless removed by a court order or other legal means. Any individual who fails to register when required “shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 30 years,” according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

If a sex offender moves to another county in the state of Georgia or another state in the US, they are required to register with the Sheriff in their new county or state of residence.

SafeHome.org, a security think tank, found the number of sex offenders in the US increases by roughly 32,000 a year.

Registered sex offenders in Butts County as of the week ending Feb. 25
Aaron Ronald DrakeNot IncarceratedLewd molestation
Adrian HargroveIncarceratedCruelty to children
Alan Richard PiersonIncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Alfred Holt Colquitt IIIIncarceratedAggravated assault with an intent to rape
Allen Donnell RichardsonIncarceratedCarnal knowledge of a juvenile
Andre Devon HarrisIncarceratedChild molestation
Anthony Bernard RussIncarceratedAggravated sodomy
Artis Christian JonesIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Benjamin A. WileyNot IncarceratedSexual battery (felony)
Benjamin AllenIncarceratedChild molestation
Bernard Andrew RoyalIncarceratedRape
Billy Ray CaldwellIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Bobby Lamar ClayNot IncarceratedIncest
Brad Demontie BrownIncarceratedChild molestation
Brandon Jamar WigginsIncarceratedStatutory rape
Brandon Justin AkridgeIncarceratedSexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction)
Brandon Ray RandIncarceratedStatutory rape
Broderick James StewartNot IncarceratedRape
Byron Wayne GranthamNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Caleb Xavier TorresIncarceratedChild molestation
Chad Emmett BlantonNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Chancelor Alexander CannonIncarceratedChild molestation
Charles Christoph GreenIncarceratedRape
Charles CliftonIncarceratedRape
Charles Linden Reynard Jr.IncarceratedSexual assault
Christina BurgeIncarceratedPimping of a person under 18 years of age
Christopher Anthony BaxterIncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Christopher Dale HamlinNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Christopher Gernard DyousIncarceratedRape
Clarence Lee BetheaIncarceratedCriminal sexual contact
Clay L. JohnsonNot IncarceratedSexual assault
Cody ReaganNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Coleman Waylon CopleyIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Conston FrippIncarceratedCriminal sexual conduct third degree
Corey Deonta McClendonNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Corey Lee JonesIncarceratedSexual battery
Courtney Demondrez PattersonNot IncarceratedFalse imprisonment of a minor
Curtis Lamar McBrideIncarceratedAggravated assault with an intent to rape
Daniel Mark Thornton IIIIncarcerated
Danny Lee HannersIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Darcy Emmanuel BeckhornNot IncarceratedAttempt rape 3rd degree
David Billy McAllisterIncarceratedStatutory rape
David DelardgeIncarceratedEnticing a child for indecent purposes
David Glenn NewtonIncarceratedIndecent liberties with a child
David Joshua BaileyNot IncarceratedCruelty to children
David Lee ProctorIncarceratedLewd or lascivious act on a child
David Shane CongerNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Deandre Hakeem BerryIncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Demetrius Lesedric LeeIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Dennis Ray HallNot IncarceratedSodomy - felony
Derrell Alexander RuthIncarceratedChild molestation
Don Barris Woodfork Jr.IncarceratedRape
Donald Ray BarnhillIncarceratedAttempt to commit sexual abuse of a child
Donny Dean BishopIncarceratedEnticing a child for indecent purposes
Dustin Andrew BrantonIncarceratedSexual abuse 1st degree
Dwayne Deangelo JohnsonIncarceratedStatutory rape
Edward Dwayne DeaneIncarceratedStatutory rape
Eldonta Ciair WesleyIncarceratedStatutory rape
Elijah BrittainIncarceratedIncest
Emmanuel Ernest CulpepperNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Eric Martin GooteeIncarceratedRape 4th degree, sexual intercourse victim less than 16
Errin Terrell BlandNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Fernando Gerriyo HoganIncarceratedStatutory rape
Fred Heath Jr.IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Freddie Lee Granger Jr.IncarceratedRape
Fredrick John BradleyNot IncarceratedSexual exploitation of children
Geomar VictoresIncarceratedChild molestation
George Kenneth CottonIncarceratedPossession of child pornography
Gregory N. HunterIncarceratedRape
Gregory Steven OglesbyNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Guadalupe Thomas MartinezNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Harry Lee KilpatrickNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Henry Antonio BookerIncarceratedChild molestation
Henry Lewis JohnsonNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Idris FergusonIncarceratedAggravated assault with an intent to rape
Jackie Orlando WhiteIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
James Compton ThomasNot IncarceratedCruelty to children
James David McKownIncarceratedStatutory rape
James Dylan HancockIncarceratedStatutory rape
James Fredrick Walker IIINot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
James Heath DruceIncarceratedChild molestation
James McPhersonIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
James Stephen MooreNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
James Thomas BatemanIncarceratedChild molestation
Jamie Lee PersleyIncarceratedChild molestation
Jarriet Guy BrewsterIncarceratedChild molestation
Jason Brent MeltonIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Jason Kyle HopsonNot IncarceratedRape
Jay Terrance GaudryIncarceratedChild molestation
Jeffery Ryan GriffinNot IncarceratedAggravated sodomy
Jeremiah MacKey WigginsIncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Jermanie L. MoodyIncarceratedIncest
Jerome Tyrone HickeyIncarceratedStatutory rape
Jerrimia Jones Holt Jr.IncarceratedSexual assault on a child under 13 years of age
Jerry Adam WhittakerIncarceratedStatutory rape
Jerry Christopher EdwardsIncarceratedChild molestation
Jerry Eugene FrameIncarceratedAggravated rape
Jesse Allen MixellIncarceratedEnticing a child for indecent purposes
Jessie DawsonIncarceratedSodomy - felony
Jessie Edwards MoncriefNot IncarceratedRape 1st lewd acts with a child
Jesstin Marquis HowardIncarceratedStatutory rape
Jesus EstebanIncarceratedAggravated sexual battery
Jimmy Terrell ScottIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
John Lee BullIncarceratedIncest
Johnathan Latourn JordanIncarceratedChild molestation
Johnny Charles HightowerIncarceratedLewd act on a child under 16
Johnny Lorenzo BakerIncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Jonas HopkinsIncarceratedRape
Jonathan Lamar HarrisNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Jonathan Warren ChitwoodIncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Jose Wc MartinezIncarceratedStatutory rape
Joseph Andrew Padgett Sr.IncarceratedChild molestation
Joseph ChatfieldIncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Joseph Gene WalkerIncarceratedStatutory rape
Joseph Henry FainNot IncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Joshua Adam HamrickIncarceratedChild molestation
Juan HernandezIncarceratedSexual offense
Julius Frederick WilliamsIncarceratedSexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction)
Kalup Jammal ThomasIncarceratedStatutory rape
Kendra Lynn JonesNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Kenneth Foster JacksonIncarceratedStatutory rape
Kenneth Lewis AllenIncarceratedInvoluntary deviate sexual intercourse
Kenneth Wayne Brinkley Jr.IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Kevin Ray BradleyIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Kevin Thomas WesternNot IncarceratedStatutory sexual seduction
Kristopher John Joseph LogueIncarceratedChild molestation
Landry Keith YoungIncarceratedAggravated sexual battery
Larry Ryan SmithNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Lawrence Michael AtesIncarceratedChild molestation
Lazandrick Rashad SpiveyNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Lazarus HaynesIncarceratedRape
Leon D. TaylorIncarceratedRape
Leonard Ray NashIncarceratedChild molestation
Leonard Templeton LawleyIncarceratedChild molestation
Leqavius SmithNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Luther Boyd OwensbyNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Mandela Nathaniel GriffinIncarceratedChild molestation
Mario Dwight SmokesIncarceratedChild molestation
Mark Andrew Davis Jr.Not IncarceratedLewd or lascivious conduct with a minor
Mark Anthony WeaverIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Mark D. DixonIncarceratedChild molestation
Markeith Cortez TaylorIncarceratedStatutory rape
Marlon Jermaine StubbsIncarceratedStatutory rape
Matthew Aaron HendersonNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Matthew Charles JohnsonIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Matthew SandersIncarceratedChild molestation
Maurice BurrowsIncarceratedSexual battery
Maurice NorrisIncarceratedRape
Michael Allen PakeNot IncarceratedCriminal sexual conduct
Michael Dion WilliamsIncarceratedStatutory rape
Michael Lee DorroughIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Michael Lee PerryIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Michael Lin JohnsonNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Michael William LedfordIncarceratedRape
Mitchell Durell WalkerIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Monroe NealyIncarceratedFalse imprisonment of a minor
Montrez Lemans GoodrumNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Morris Allen TaylorNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Nathan Wallace WilsonNot IncarceratedIncest
Nghia Van HuynhIncarceratedChild molestation
Nicholes Rotonda AllenIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Niclous Armond JacksonIncarceratedChild molestation
Otis Lee CutterIncarceratedChild molestation
Phillip C. SpradlingIncarceratedLewd or lascivious act with a child under 16
Randall Scott WimpeyNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Raymond Patrick DuttonIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Reginald HoldenNot IncarceratedLewd and lascivious battery, sexual act with a victim 12 less than 15 years of age
Ricardo Kotez BerryIncarceratedStatutory rape
Robert Alfonza JacksonIncarceratedRape
Robert Anthony HardigreeIncarceratedChild molestation
Robert Harris IIIIncarceratedStatutory rape
Robert Lee Reeves Jr.IncarceratedRape
Robert W. DraughonIncarceratedCriminal sexual contact
Robert Wayne LunsdenIncarceratedCriminal attempt to commit a felony
Robert William LathropIncarceratedPublic indecency 3rd degree or subsequent conviction - felony
Robert Willis WilliamsIncarceratedRape
Roberto Martinez VasquezIncarceratedEndangering the welfare of a child
Roberto RennesIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Rocky Walker McMichael Jr.Not IncarceratedStatutory rape
Roderick Romarro CochranIncarceratedRape
Rodney Dwayne JacksonNot IncarceratedObscene internet contact - obscene communication
Rodney Raymone MillerIncarceratedChild molestation
Roger Antono BettisIncarceratedAggravated assault with an intent to rape
Romel Lamont SmithIncarceratedAggravated assault with an intent to rape
Ronald B. WayneIncarceratedRape
Ronald Morgan LewisNot IncarceratedSodomy - felony
Ronrico D. StillwellNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Rudolph BurtonIncarceratedChild molestation
Ryan Clark VoylesNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Saint Clair Brown Jr.IncarceratedStatutory rape
Samuel Raynard BrooksIncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Scarber Joshal SmithIncarceratedChild molestation
Shaquille Bilail SearcyIncarceratedStatutory rape
Shawn William WylieIncarceratedStatutory rape
Shelton Paul DavisIncarceratedSexual battery
Stanford Levi SwainNot IncarceratedIndecent proposal to a child
Stephen Anthony PiotrowskiIncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Stephen Christopher GarrardIncarceratedLewd or lascivious act on a child under 16
Tamichus Keonta KingIncarceratedStatutory rape
Tarius D. GrubbsIncarceratedChild molestation
Tavarice Jermaine DixonIncarceratedStatutory rape
Teofilo Serrano IIINot IncarceratedSexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction)
Terry BloodsawIncarceratedAggravated assault with an intent to rape
Thomas Joseph ChildressIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Thurman Ray BowenIncarceratedChild molestation
Tibias Jaurece RomerIncarceratedStatutory rape
Timothy Glenn HardyNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Timothy Lamar BarkleyNot IncarceratedRape
Timothy Wayne ReeseNot IncarceratedStatutory rape
Tiquan HintonIncarceratedChild molestation
Tony HicksIncarceratedRape
Traviskius Sentrell PateIncarceratedChild molestation
Tristan Lamar HillIncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
Tyler Jordan KennedyNot IncarceratedChild molestation
Tyson Eugene WilsonIncarceratedStatutory rape
Van Buren LeeIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Wayne Anthony CribbsIncarceratedRape
Wesley Clinton CowanIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
Wesley Scott WilliamsIncarceratedSexual offense 3rd degree
William B. NaultaNot IncarceratedChild molestation
William David BennettIncarceratedAggravated child molestation
William Donald WalklettNot IncarceratedLewd or lascivious act on a child
William Edward WesleyNot IncarceratedSexual battery against a child under 16 years of age
William Leonard Woods Jr.Not IncarceratedChild molestation
William Nathan FenleyIncarceratedAggravated sodomy
Willie Earl Jones Jr.IncarceratedRape
Willie Frank SmartIncarceratedStatutory rape
Willie James TillmanIncarceratedAggravated sodomy
Zarieando TysonNot IncarceratedStatutory rape



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