The City of Douglas, Georgia proposes to institute annexation and zoning upon annexation proceedings by using the 100% method, to enlarge and extend the boundary limits of said city to include the following described territory, to-wit:
The graduation rate for Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS) students involved in Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) programs increased to an all-time high of 99.13% for 2022, continuing above the state-wide rate which held steady at 97.1%.
After strong citizen interest in the Citizens Government Academy (CGA) and the County’s desire to educate a larger audience about how the departments operate, Rockdale County is now transitioning CGA to Info Sessions.
The Emory University indoor track & field team competed in their first meet of the new year as they played host to the Emory CrossPlex Showdown that took place in Birmingham, AL on Sunday.
Manoj Jain, MD, MPH, of Emory University’s School of Medicine and Rollins School of Public Health, is the inaugural recipient of the Jeffrey P. Koplan Global Health Award, presented by the Emory Global Health Institute (EGHI).
Five more sex offenders live in Newton County in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to the previous quarter, according to the Georgia Sex Offender Registry.
the same number of sex offenders live in Newton County in December 2022 compared to the previous month, according to the Georgia Sex Offender Registry.
Henry County is home to six more registered sex offenders in December 2022 compared to the previous month, according to the Georgia Sex Offender Registry.
Henry County is home to 11 more registered sex offenders in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to the previous quarter, according to the Georgia Sex Offender Registry.
The Georgia Sex Offender Registry shows two fewer registered sex offenders living in Butts County in the fourth quarter of 2022, compared to the previous quarter.